Dsus2 Ukulele Chord
Played '2200' on the soprano - Standard Tuning (GCEA). View this chord in: G-Tuning (DGBE) D-Tuning (ADF#B) Slack-Key Tuning (GCEG)
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How to play the Dsus2 on your ukulele The Dsus2 is a pretty easy chord, your biggest problem is avoiding muted strings. The middle finger gets placed on the second fret of the G string and the ring finger is on the second fret of the C string. This is easier than using the index and middle together instead. You will need to slightly move the middle back to make room for the ring, and make sure that finger doesn’t touch the open E string. As long as you keep the fingers as straight as possible you shouldn’t hear any dead or muted strings.
Dsus2 Chord details
Type : Suspended (second)
Intervals : D (T ), E (2M ), A (5J ), Formula : 1 2 5
Alternative notation : 2 2 0 0
Tuning : Standard Tuning (GCEA)
Alternative Dsus2 positions We have 5 other positions for this uke chord.
Similar Charts Same Position (1): Asus4 , Same Fingering (1): Asus4 , Scales related to this chord Selection of famous scales you can play on a Dsus2 chord to improvise great solos on your Uke.
Scales that fit: A Major , C Major , D Major , F Major , G Major , A Melodic minor , D Melodic minor , G Melodic minor , A Harmonic minor , D Harmonic minor , A Natural minor , B Natural minor , D Natural minor , E Natural minor , Gb Natural minor , A Blues , B Blues , E Blues , C Major pentatonic , D Major pentatonic , G Major pentatonic , A Minor pentatonic , B Minor pentatonic , E Minor pentatonic , C Overtone , D Overtone , G Overtone , Db Altered , Gb Altered , Ab Altered , Db Altered bb7 , Ab Altered bb7 , Db Super locrian , Gb Super locrian , Ab Super locrian , Db Ultralocrian , Ab Ultralocrian , A Hawaiian , D Hawaiian , G Hawaiian , Dsus2 Arpeggio
Create your own Dsus2 ukulele chord pattern using the notes of the Dsus2 arpeggio / intervals on the fretboard :
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